United States marked 10 years since the horrors of 9/11. Decade passed, people in United States stood at ground zero, recalled the worst moment and paid tribute to victims. Not only at ground zero but also on the graves of soldiers died in the line of terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. At this occasion president Barak Obama ensured the security of human rights. He also said that attack on world trade center was attack on humanity. He also added that we are not foes of Islam we are against Al-Qaida and terrorism.
Pakistan played a pivotal role in wake of countering terrorism. Officers and soldiers sacrificed their lives for not only Pakistanis but also for the whole humanity. Pakistan’s forces and inelegance agencies were on front line in this cause. Counter terrorism missions are still in action but military in different area of Pakistan. These are efforts to save not only Pakistan but to bring peace in the whole world. And I can say Pakistan played a practical role in tributeing the 9/11 victims and the soldiers died in countering terrorism since 9/11.
US president speech for the peace and human rights security seems anti Muslim slogan. The facts are quite opposite then the reality as United State and the United Nation remains silent for Kashmir and Palestine. Reports by United Nation unveil the realty and declared that worst violation of human rights is in Kashmir and Palestine as compared to rest of the world. U.S and UNO cannot see the terrorism and violation of human rights. They can see the blood of their soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq but their lips do not bother to move for Muslims who died in these wars. World have seen the real motives of U.S for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Ex President Bush have no explanation for the Iraq war as they were unable to hide out nuclear weapons in Iraq. World’s powerful nations supported war in Afghanistan and Iraq and provided their troops. U.S is not accountable to anyone for these wars.
Worst situation is that U.S used chemical weapons in these wars. Not only in Afghanistan, but also in Pakistan, as they used chemical weapons in drones. Results can be seen vividly, fields are becoming barrens, and people are facing skin infections and other skin diseases. Where are sympathies of U.S for humanity and human rights?
These dual policies of U.S and UNO are creating hatred in hearts of Muslims for U.S, and non Muslims. this is the reason that people of Egypt, Iran, Tunis, Libya and other Muslim countries do not like U.S. the front line allay Pakistan destroyed the economy for war against terror but of what use as we are gaining nothing.
U.S, enough is enough no longer these slogans will hit U.S with such intensity that they become 2nd USSR. Economy of U.S lowering figure day by day, poverty increasing, and U.S no longer seems stable and the reason is wrong policies for Muslim world. UNO will also lose its credibility and alliances sooner UN doesn’t paid attention to the violations of human rights in Muslim world.