
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Good Bye Internet or Wikipedia and other sites win

Websites in different times faced several problems and issues regarding privacy policies, hacking, plagiarism, IP conflicts, etc, which restricted such issues with fewer strategies with their expertise, and decreased such problems for further inconvenience. But if internet get into hands of such giants, who may suppose their selves to legislate various aspects of internet usage by websites.  It can be a great trouble for the website owners because it can be least countered as its been legislated. And the threat increases to high when legislator is United States.

Recently, Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) are two bills that being considered by the US Congress. The House of Representatives is considering SOPA while the Senate is drafting PIPA. If legislated, SOPA will grant the U.S Department of Justice the power to seek court orders against any website accused of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement. Since there is no definition of an intellectual copyright, your site could be SOPA/PIPA’d and you’d be unreachable through any search engine.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, eBay and Wikipedia are now a days in protest against this legislation as it lash back the liberty of such websites. It has been noticed that this legislation was felt deeply after the leaks by wikileaks and in this regard it was worrying to counter such activities that strongly turtle US in problem.

It is hour of worries not only for high web domains but it also drained individual user in to question to how this legislation would affect them. The implications if these Bills pass are massive. Your Twitter or Facebook account could be taken down if you post a link to a YouTube video. If a private corporation judges that you are breaking their copyright policies, they could simply contact your payment processor and ask that they cut off your payments.

Contrary to this it has also been observed that business companies like Hollywood companies, TV networks, Book publishers and Music publishers are strongly supporting this legislation as it will affect them in getting more financial benefits.

Whereas this legislations may result in grounding bulk of users in single row. Most of user must have to say good bye to internet and would look for other alternatives. This legislation would affect individuals and companies of third world countries more intensively rather than developed countries.

Majority of the globe have not yet acquired the facility of the internet but the decline of the internet can be expected if the recent bill may pass by legislators. Most of the countries would face it at the time of inception in the region.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Arfa Karim Randhawa, a pride, an inspiration

 "Today is the black day of my life and same for Pakistan because I lost my princess colleague and Pakistan lost her Pakistani." This is the statement given by Bill Gates for Arfa Karim Randhawa, pride of Pakistan.

Arfa Karim Randhawa, Who she was? What she did? And what she left as an inspiration for the rest of the world? These are the questions which she left behind for many minds. She was a girl. She is a revolution. She is an inspiration, she is the symbol of peace, humanity, talent, and foremost a Pakistani, a torch bearer.

Arfa was born in a Jatt Randhawa family and hailed from the village of Chak No. 4JB Ram Dewali in Faisalabad, Punjab. She at the age of nine, in 2004 became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in the world. In 2005 she received Fatimah Jinnah Gold Medal in the field of Science and Technology from Pakistan Premier. She received Salaam Pakistan Youth Award same year. She then received Award for Pride of Performance. She participated in Tech-Ed Developers Conference held in Barcelona in 2006. She also obtained first flight certificate in Dubai at the age of ten.

Arfa represented Pakistan in many national and international forums and she proved the international community that we Pakistani are no less to anyone. She marked her name as the youngest girl doing MCP. She presented in the world, a concept that Pakistan has another aspect as well. When the media around the globe is presenting Pakistan as terrorist country she proved that we are not part of that terrorism, we have powerful youth. We have rich talent, skills and professional capabilities to become prosperous in the world with great wisdom. She was not alone in this race from Pakistan but many others like Ali Moeen Nawazhish, Syed Muhammad Asad are presenting a developing, prospering and peaceful nation.

Arfa died but she left foot prints for Pakistani youngsters to drive towards revolution. She proved that daughters are divine, mercy and blessing from Almighty Allah. She rejected the naysayer approach of many Pakistani’s rather for the whole world who so ever considers girls as curse or Burden. There are so many black traditions up to date which rule against the women including no educations for girls, honor killing, early age marriages, marriage with Quran etc. We in our society do not give equal rights to women we deprive them of their basic rights neglecting the teachings of Islam.  Arfa can be a symbol to followers of such tradition and her distinctions and efforts insist them to come to right path leaving darkness.

Her death left a question mark for the Pakistani government that have you ever explored the talent of Pakistan? There are many Arfa’s in Pakistan who needs concentration, education, and resources to grow up in healthy environment so that they can prove their abilities. Most of Pakistani parents deprive their daughters of basic education due to traditions and religious customs, which oppress women. Self advancement becomes impossible without the opportunity to receive education. For this purpose we need to Legislate so that we may get many other talented Arfa’s living in Pakistan.

Arfa Karim died in an early age of fifteen. She left the whole world in sorrows for her. But we as a nation have to give her a tribute like the people of Tunisia gave to Mohamed Bouazizi which resulted in a revolution. We have to stand together and have to end the inequalities, injustice, and barriers in way of progress and development. We have to end the gender gap in the literacy which is necessity of hour today.

Arfa! You got the heads of your parents raised, you got the heads of our nation raised, you would definitely be missed and be recorded in our list of inspirational people in our life. May Allah rest you in peace and give patience to your parents.


Friday 13 January 2012

Dictatorship and Musharraf

Since the inception of Pakistan, an Islamic republic, Pakistan Army influenced every development in government. This tradition set forth a trend of believing to rule Pakistan showing force and power. Army and government always remained intense, which resulted in various Martial Law governments in Pakistan. A recent nine year government of an Army General marked exceptional of its on type. Gen(r) Pervez Musharraf came in to power from backdoor by stepping down a democratic government in 1999. Although he refused to accept himself neither a dictator nor he accepts it as a martial law. 

Musharraf made certain changing to constitution and announced himself as Chief Executive. Chief executive is for premier in constitution of Pakistan, but he implemented on himself being a president with extended implementation from Supreme Court of Pakistan. All the previous martial law administrators either made new constitutions or expelled previous one but Musharraf did not bothered to do any such act and started playing with constitution and Pakistan.

Gen Ayub khan, came into power in 1958 and remained in power up till 1969 and left by handing over the fate of Pakistan in another general’s hands; Gen Yahya Khan. Gen Yahya khan ran away after presenting gift of Dhaka fall in 1971, Whereas Gen Zia-ul-haq died in a plane crash. These administrators did not wish to come in power again after their tenure. And the reasons are very obvious that they destroyed democratic structure of Pakistan and did not allow democratic growth. In short they destroyed Pakistan through every mean, Courts were attacked, media banned.

Gen Musharraf is exceptional of its case he destroyed the institutions in Pakistan.  His formulated foreign policies gave a new wave of terrorism in Pakistan. He handed over many innocent Pakistani’s to America against a heavy some of dollars. Apparently he facilitated public but did not planned for future, which resulted into today’s energy crises, constitution problems and economic crises in the long run. He brought Shoukat Aziz from abroad and made him prime minister who ran away immediately after the demise.

Not enough, the dilemma is that he is looking further space in the politics of Pakistan. Soon after leaving country he established his own political party and started thinking to come into Pakistani politics once again. Previous dictators had enough self respect that they did not even thought once to return to power but this officer desire exceptional and thinking to come again. He is returning to Pakistan next month to start its political activities being physically in Pakistan.  Gen Musharraf even after such a bad tenure is expecting that public would forget his wrong and un lawful actions in few years and will re elect him to become member parliament. Public although cannot react to any dictator when he is in power but public can reject one who is no more in uniform or in power.

Following previous dictator’s musharraf also gave a panic gift and that was in shape of terrorism and war on terrorism. We spent a large economic resources fighting against terrorists. It not only weakens Pakistan internally but it also created alarming situations for international community as well. International industries stopped working in Pakistan, even sports teams refused to play any kind of sports in Pakistan.