Websites in different times faced several problems and issues regarding privacy policies, hacking, plagiarism, IP conflicts, etc, which restricted such issues with fewer strategies with their expertise, and decreased such problems for further inconvenience. But if internet get into hands of such giants, who may suppose their selves to legislate various aspects of internet usage by websites. It can be a great trouble for the website owners because it can be least countered as its been legislated. And the threat increases to high when legislator is United States.
Recently, Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) are two bills that being considered by the US Congress. The House of Representatives is considering SOPA while the Senate is drafting PIPA. If legislated, SOPA will grant the U.S Department of Justice the power to seek court orders against any website accused of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement. Since there is no definition of an intellectual copyright, your site could be SOPA/PIPA’d and you’d be unreachable through any search engine.
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, eBay and Wikipedia are now a days in protest against this legislation as it lash back the liberty of such websites. It has been noticed that this legislation was felt deeply after the leaks by wikileaks and in this regard it was worrying to counter such activities that strongly turtle US in problem.
It is hour of worries not only for high web domains but it also drained individual user in to question to how this legislation would affect them. The implications if these Bills pass are massive. Your Twitter or Facebook account could be taken down if you post a link to a YouTube video. If a private corporation judges that you are breaking their copyright policies, they could simply contact your payment processor and ask that they cut off your payments.
Contrary to this it has also been observed that business companies like Hollywood companies, TV networks, Book publishers and Music publishers are strongly supporting this legislation as it will affect them in getting more financial benefits.
Whereas this legislations may result in grounding bulk of users in single row. Most of user must have to say good bye to internet and would look for other alternatives. This legislation would affect individuals and companies of third world countries more intensively rather than developed countries.
Majority of the globe have not yet acquired the facility of the internet but the decline of the internet can be expected if the recent bill may pass by legislators. Most of the countries would face it at the time of inception in the region.